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Bid Date02/06/2018

The Project is generally described as: Mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment upgrades, including but not limited to installation of new thermostatic control valves and steam traps on all radiators, installation of new electric resistance domestic hot water tank, installation of new interior LED lighting tubes and fixtures, installation of new exterior LED lighting fixtures and installation of lighting occupancy sensors throughout the campus. Some hazardous materials abatement is involved.

Construction Value: $200,000

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Click link to view image:New-Traditions-Prop-39-1-24-18.pdf
ContractorZolman Construction & Development, Inc.

ZOLMAN CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, INC., (Signatory to the Carpenters & Laborers Union) as a "GENERAL CONTRACTOR" is requesting quotations on "ALL TRADES" from all qualified Subcontractors and Suppliers, including DVBE, LBE, DBE, SBE, MBE, WBE firms for the following project: NEW TRADITIONS PROP 39 ENERGY EFFICIENCY UPGRADES (Project #12008) located at 2049 Grove St., San Francisco, CA 94117. BIDS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN February 6, 2018, at 2PM.

Contact Milu Magsombol at (650) 802-9901 with any questions.

SUBMIT & FAX all proposals to (650) 802-9902. Click on above link to view Advertisement for more details.